Instant Expertise Videos
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The high-energy, winsome training you trust in a condensed, convenient, virtual, asynchronous format.
Virtual 30-minute, 45-minute, or 60-minute concentrated training/coaching videos
You choose the topic and length of video; delivered within 72 hours.
Master the workplace’s most important skills less than one hour
Available for fast delivery for your organization and licensed for use by any number of your organization for an agreed-upon time (All trainings also available in longer versions online or on-site)
Communication and Coaching
- Oh, great, it’s you again! Be the communicator people LOVE to hear coming!
- Persuasion: The Art and Science of Influencing Thought
- Accountability: Getting Things Done Through Habit: Set clear expectations for behaviors and results
- Now do that again! Give meaningful, positive feedback
- Get out of the habit: Provide engaging, non-offensive constructive feedback
- Success Guaranteed: Set someone up for success
- Mentoring Mastered: Use the “8 is enough” formula to coach anyone through anything
- They get it! Teach to different learning styles
- You Done Good! Tailor recognition in a way people will love
- Is it really that important? Basic grammar, misspelling, and punctuation errors that undermine your credibility
- They said Yes! Appeal to an individual’s persuasion style
- They Loved Me! Basic presentation skills that will make all the difference
- Listen to Me! Listen well and ensure others realize you do
- The POWer of Great Customer Service: Unleashing Your Super Power
- Professionalism: The Heart of Business Etiquette: Confidence in You
Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging
- Inclusion: All In! Welcomed utilization of all resources can be both enjoyable and good for business
- Appealing not Appauling: Creating Respect in the Workplace
- I Don’t Get You: Understand the differences that are the most frustrating in a diverse workplace
- Emotional Intelligence: Better than a High IQ
- Global Intelligence: Broadening Yours
- Gossip: Not Spoken Here End the scourge of the workplace
- Ethics for Everyone: Knowing What’s Right Use a comprehensive template to work through ethical dilemmas
- What’s Age Got to Do with It? The differences of generational influences and perceptions explained
- Women as Leaders: Are We Different? Negotiating perceptions and realities as a female leader
- The Big Question: The one questions that provides the biggest insight into yourself and others; the first chapter of Instant Insight: 15 Questions to Great Relationships
- Instant Insight for Teams: the 15 Questions that Make You and Everyone Else Instantly Understandable
- Color Me Communication: A quick assessment that explains the basic things you need to know about someone to communicate better with them
- Communicating Teamwork: Are You Ready for Your Closeup?
- Team Doctor: Diagnose and prescribe recovery for the most common team problems
- Putting it Together: Teamwork is a jigsaw puzzle and its pieces can form the basis of a team charter/constitution
- DiSC: Decoding the Workplace Certified interpreter and trainer for all your DiSC trainings
Conflict Resolution
- It’s a Jungle Out There: The Five Faces of Conflict
- For Better or for Worse: Time-tested behaviors that will either increase or calm conflict
- What’s REALLY going on here? Understand the root causes of common conflicts
- Battling the Beasties: Beyond Traditional Conflict Resolution
- Negotiate This! Negotiate better in business and life
- Change is a House Move: Help yourself and others with change as if you were moving your household
- Stressful Ways: Understand how people handle stress differently and lead accordingly
- BAD OPTICS: Avoid the most common mistakes well-meaning leaders make
- Servant Leadership: Becoming a leader they remember
- Why I Lead the Way I Do: Understanding my leadership coat of arms
- Your Leadership Journey: There is a time and place for all 7 leadership styles.
- Credibility and Influence! Be a leader with or without a title
- How to Host a Meeting: Hosting engaging, efficient, enjoyable meetings
- From Buddy to Boss: Making that transition
- Delegation is Good for Everyone: Master the skill that can help you get the most well done
- MOTIVATE: Move It!
- Women as Leaders: Are We Different? Negotiating perceptions and realities as a female leader
- Casting: Hiring the Right Talent Conduct interviews that are effective for everyone
- Get it Done! Basic project management to the rescue
- Employing the Law: Evaluate workplace situations with the mind of an employment lawyer
- Document it! Write legally defensible feedback that serves you well in court
Motivation and Creativity
- Brainstorming when yours is the only brain in the room: Generating ideas quickly and easily
- The Aloha Mindset of Gratitude and Resilience: Keep a mindset of wonder and gratitude
- MOTIVATEl Move it! Motivate yourself and others
- I can see it! Vision-boarding Your Future for personal and professional success
- Hey, That’s Mine! An Intellectual Law Primer
- Engaging the Membership Create a golden era your members will remember as “Camelot” (for boards of professional, civic, and service organizations)
- Organizing 4 Time and Ease: Using What You’ve Got Easy strategies for better management of time and space
- Don’t Forget: Recalling What You Want Techniques for memorizing lists, names, talking points, and other data
- Single-tasking: The underestimated power of focus
- Nailed It! Be prepared and confident during a job interview
- Yes, it’s about the money: Winning the Money Game of Life The five steps to getting your financial house in order