How To Get More Bang For Your Training Buck

Every day employers see problems in their organizations, and believing that training must be the answer, flip open a standard training catalog and sign their employees up for a class. They alert their employees to training with a crisp, “Training will begin in two weeks,” without explaining how the training will benefit either the employees…

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Revitalize Employee Recognition

One of the most enduring types of employee recognition is the Employee of the Month program. This is an important aspect to your motivational portfolio, but like anything, it can get boring and ineffective if you don’t constantly re-energize it. Most companies’ employee of the month recognition consists of an award certificate presented at a…

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Stressed Out!

As an employer, you notice problems in your workplace – increased absenteeism, diminished productivity, sabotage of equipment, deletion of necessary data, strained customer relations, and perhaps even violent outbursts by staff. What is the cause ? It is likely worker stress. Some stress in the workplace is probably inevitable, but because of its harmful effects…

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Training Must Prove Its Worth

There is no question that training is good for business. It can increase productivity dramatically, and is often used to attract and keep good talent. It is common for employees, especially those in the younger generations, to remain at a company for less pay if they believe they are receiving worthwhile training. It also builds…

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Making Merry: Holiday Parties

Employers routinely sponsor holiday parties for their employees, the intent being to express appreciation and to boost morale. Yet, many of those celebrations will turn into boring events that serve neither purpose. So here are some tips for planning a fun holiday event for your staff: (1) Avoid alcohol. Drink has divested many a co-worker…

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Don’t Mistreat Your Stars!

I want to talk about how you as an employer should treat your star performers. In every organization, there are some employees who shine very brightly, who have a lot of success, whose projects are always done consistently well, ahead of schedule, and who are well-liked and respected. These are the ones that you rely…

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